Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas is Always Crazy

As usual, I've stuffed my Christmas holiday with tons of stuff, half of which requires prior preparation. And, of course, I'm working like crazy up until tomorrow.

Roomie and I have decided to have a small get together on Christmas Day at our place. It's nothing huge; just her, her boyfriend, our friend, me and the guy I'm dating. Another friend of mine might stop by for a bit before going out clubbing. We're just planning to have Christmas-y cocktails, with cookies, pie and maybe some cake and watch movies. Not a whole lot of prep, just a trip to Costco and picking up/cleaning the living room/kitchen. However, we've planned to do this Friday morning and afternoon, which will kind of cramp what I had already planned for Friday.

Friday night, I'm covering two concerts for the website, starting at 7ish. Before that, I had planned to go to the laundry mat (which will take about an hour to an hour and a half), go get the rest of Roomie and Best Friend's Christmas presents and go buy The Boy's present (two stops, but they are both in the same area). But now, we're planning to get to Costco around 10 am when it opens, then cleaning when we get back. I don't foresee Costco and cleaning taking too long (maybe 1-1.5 hours for Costco, an hour at most for cleaning) but I can't be absolutely sure that it won't take all morning and afternoon.

Which means, I now have to fit in what I planned to do on Friday sometime tomorrow, just to make sure it all gets done. Plus, I should probably pick up my bedroom a little, since I'll be embarrassed as hell if anyone peeks in there during our party. (It's pretty messy...)

So, my new schedule...

Tomorrow, I have to get up early and go take care of the Christmas presents before I go meet my friend for lunch at 12pm and then go to work. Tonight and tomorrow night, I'm going to work on picking up my room. (Half of which is just dirty clothes on the floor.) Tomorrow night, as soon as I get back from work, I have to go to the laundry mat. Since I get home at 11 pm, there is a high chance the buses will no longer be running when I finish, so I'll either have to walk 20 minutes back home or try to catch a cab back.

I might try picking up the living room and kitchen a bit now and then go do laundry on Friday. Honestly, with two of us, the cleaning shouldn't take longer than 30 minutes, but there is always the possibility it could take longer... And a HUGE possibility we'll be at Costco for a long time, since Roomie's boyfriend is going with us to do some shopping as well.

I'm planning to talk to Roomie tonight about how long everything will take on Friday, because honestly, I really need to do laundry and I don't want to have to do it late tomorrow night. Especially since I can't remember if the laundry mat is 24-hour or how late it stays open if it isn't...

Bleh, I'll just be happy when I can sleep in and rest (Saturday morning). Isn't that what holidays are supposed to be about? Thank goodness our party on Saturday night is all about comfort...

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